The Design Business Show 174: Creating High-Ticket Offers with Shayla Boyd-Gill

Director : Melissa Burkheimer | February 2, 2022
Check out episode 174 of The Design Business Show with Shayla Boyd-Gill to learn all about high-ticket offers!

Shayla Boyd-Gill (Maryland, US) juggles being an entrepreneur with being a wife of 24 years and mom of six homeschooled children.

She went from bankruptcy to a multiple six-figure business. Now Shayla is a Family Freedom and Affluence Mentor and creator of the Luxe Your BusinessTM Sales System and a sales strategist who shows women entrepreneurs how to have it all – family, freedom, and affluence – while doing what they love.

She teaches her clients – service-based businesses – to restructure their businesses and lives by boosting their high-ticket sales so they can make more money in less time without a heavy client load.

Here’s what we covered on the episode:

Shayla’s Journey to Coaching

  • In 2003, Shayla left corporate America as a project manager in construction engineering to homeschool her son
  • Shayla needed to make an income, so she and her husband had a conversation about what she’s good at, which was having babies
  • When Shayla started speaking to friends and women in her community, she realized they had bad birthing experiences and that her experience was good because it had been different – she had a doula, a midwife, and had taken natural birthing classes
  • Shayla became a childbirth educator and a doula and built her first multiple six-figure business but became burnt out because she wanted to help everyone and didn’t know how to say no
  • What Shayla discovered was that her peers in the birthing industry struggled because they didn’t understand how to do business so, she decided to help women run their businesses which is how she got into coaching
  • Shayla first started by supporting her birthing clients who didn’t want to go back to work – she would help them start businesses from home, and she would coach other doulas and childbirth educators until she was able to niche down and find out who she wanted to work with
  • How Shayla started working with clients one on one but says, as a giver that easily exhausted her, so she started incorporating intimate groups
  • Shayla describes her business as a boutique-style because she likes intimacy and says she never wanted a group of thousands of people, which is why her business morphed into a high-ticket model because it doesn’t require her to have a lot of people but rather just the right people

Shayla’s Clients + Qualifying Leads

  • When Shayla first entered the online space, she used the ascension model but realized quickly it wasn’t a good fit – Shayla found it more effective and a better fit for her to do speaking
  • Shayla would speak on other people’s stages or host events where she would get people into discovery calls or sell them into a workshop to eventually move them into her higher-ticket offer
  • What Shayla has realized about her customers is that they don’t have the patience to crawl up the ladder – her customers know what they want; all they have to do is decide if it’s something they want to stick with long-term or if an intensive would fit them better
  • Shayla tends to attract women who have made 75k – 250k in revenue – most of the women Shayla works with have made their first hundred thousand but get caught in a loop of consistently being at that level and struggle to scale without wearing themselves out
  • Shayla’s clients typically come from speaking, referrals, or possibly a lead magnet, but Shayla explains that they are very strategic with filtering out people and says they may use a quiz to segment what kind of emails are going where
  • How Shayla only focuses on having discovery calls with highly qualified clients and says you could use an application process to qualify your clients
  • To help qualify leads, Shayla says you want to go deeper than identifying questions and suggests asking if the applicant has ever invested in coaching and how much because it helps you understand the conversation you might have to have with them
  • Shayla also evaluates investment readiness in her applications by asking how ready applicants are to invest and also filters people out by asking about their current revenue
  • You can put questions on your application that will identify the people that you really want to work with
  • If someone fills out an application that is not a good fit, Shayla says it’s okay to send them an email thanking them for their application and explain that you were not able to approve it – make sure to include other resources that would be helpful or refer them to someone else
  • Shayla explains that you can embed your links throughout your social media platforms but stresses the importance of knowing where your audience lives online – being where your clients are is super important
  • The platforms Shayla likes to use are Facebook and Instagram but shares that she’s been doing more on LinkedIn

Tips for Creating a High-Ticket Offer

  • For a high-ticket offer, Shayla says you want to focus on one area you’re good at and work from that basic framework – where people make mistakes is having multiple frameworks and too many offers
  • You can use your framework for an expansive, long-term, or short-term program – like a mastermind or an 8 – 12 week course
  • Build your framework on your knowledge base and what you are good at, in Shayla’s community, they call it their Luxe Spot
  • What you can’t teach is bullshit Shayla says, because people will not buy BS – it needs to be something that works
  • How adding value does not mean stacking bonuses – Shayla’s belief is when you start stacking bonuses on top of your offer, you’re trying to justify a price point or trying to make it seem like it’s worth more than it really is – the offer itself should be yummy enough that people want it
  • Shayla explains that typically, high-ticket entry-level offers will be anywhere from 5k – 20k and a higher level offer could be 20k – 100k+
  • Shayla’s 7 Luxe Touchpoints are points they make sure to hit when creating offers with clients so they create something they can be proud of and that works
  • One myth about high-ticket offers is that it’s going to take much more of your time because you’re charging more, but Shayla says it’s the complete opposite- when you have a high-ticket offer that does what you say it’s going to do, you attract  qualified clients who are looking to solve their problems quickly – they don’t typically associate time with money
  • When you’re moving from a lower ticket model to a higher ticket model, Shayla explains it’s all about completely restructuring your business and letting your audience know
  • Shayla suggests segmenting your audience on your email list if you’re going to offer high and low-ticket offers so you aren’t confusing them
  • If you’re already doing high-ticket offers and what to do something different, you need to ask yourself, are you looking to scale and go higher, are you trying to take yourself out of parts of the puzzle, or do you want to bring in a team
  • How if you’re eventually looking to sell your business, Shayla says to make sure it’s a sellable model, you’re creating systems and creating assets by trademarking your way of doing business

Myths About High-Ticket Offers + Shayla’s Current Offers

  • One myth Shayla shares about high-ticket offers is that people believe it will take too much time to nurture a high-ticket lead – the truth is if you nurture properly, no matter if you’re offering high or low-ticket offers, the people who are ready to say yes will say yes
  • Another myth is thinking people won’t want to pay for high-ticket offers – Shayla says people will pay for what they value, and if your offer speaks to their problem, they will pay
  • People thinking they need to be an authority figure to charge for high-ticket offers is another myth – Shayla says you already have the authority, but you also need to make sure your offer is proven and make sure your pricing makes sense
  • Shayla shares that it’s important to her to not be left at the bottom when it comes to her business and life –  it’s important to create the freedom she needs to care for herself and her family while rising with her business
  • When you figure out what’s important to you, Shayla explains that the next step is making sure you honor that and shares an example of a client who wanted happiness by having more time, so she decided to track her ‘me time’ to make sure she was honoring that
  • How partnerships are working well in Shayla’s business today and how she likes finding other women who have messages and audiences that she aligns with and doing business with those women
  • Shayla’s current offers include an entry-level Luxe Business Workshop to help create your high ticket offer, the Luxe Sales System Accelerator, which is a 12-week group program, and the Luxe CEO Inner Circle, which is a high-level 12-month program
  • When it comes to design, Shayla has a team member who supports her in bringing her creative ideas to life
  • Shayla’s team includes an administrator and shares that she has contractors for graphics/design, accounting services, event planning, and marketing
  • If you know what you want to do, Shayla suggests just going for it and figuring it out while you’re doing it because if you wait until it’s perfect, it will never happen
  • Connect with Shayla on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, or check out her website

Links mentioned:


Luxe Your Business Website

Luxe Sales System Accelerator

Luxe CEO Inner Circle

Connect with Shayla on Facebook

Connect with Shayla on Instagram

Connect with Shayla on LinkedIn

Connect with Shayla on YouTube


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