In today’s episode of The Design Business Show, we’re flipping the script and I’m being interviewed by my new friend Stephenie Zamora, who we first met on episode 10 of the podcast. My birthday was earlier this month, so we thought it would be fun for her to ask me questions instead of me always asking questions.
We didn’t plan any of this, so grab your ear buds and get a behind-the scenes update from me. Which, btw, is super uncomfortable for me because I hate attention! So, there’s that! Leggo!
Here’s what we cover:
- After being inspired by Stephenie’s interview about all of my other business ideas
- Why I’m so focused on managing my energy and being productive in this season of my business
- How I even started this journey of creating a better world for designers and how it’s evolved
- The areas in my business that need cleaned up and how I plan to do that
- The type of results that the designers have gotten from working with me
- How I’m approaching systematizing my business and what projects I’m moving forward on in my business
- What motivates me to get work done
- How I measure my own productivity and why I don’t try to work super late at night or early in the morning
- Why I’m focusing on projects that will help move my business forward
- My vision for the rest of 2019 and where I plan to step up my game
- What I want to create in 2020 and why I don’t really know what it is yet
- Why I want to spend more time tapping into the things I’m good at
- Why both me and Stephenie hate visibility and how we handle the resistance to it
- What visibility looks like for me going forward
- The program I’m taking to help me create content for my videos
- What processes I’m working on inside of my business and who I plan to bring on help me make it all happen
- How I plan to create my next movement
- The evolution of how I started this movement for empowering designers and the timeline
- My tips for what not to do if you want to start a podcast
- Why it’s important to tweak things in your business and your offerings based on what’s working, and what’s not – for you and for your students
- The pivotal moment that happened to me in April 2017 and why I needed time to process what happened
- What I’m going to do that will help me move forward on the things I wanna do in my business
- What it’s been like for me to offer other design services
- Why you should surround yourself with other designers who are on the same journey as you
Links Mentioned:
Episode 001 where Kira Hug interviews me
Brandon Lucero’s Video 4X Effect Course (affiliate link)
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